About Me

Dear reader, welcome to my Substack.

I’m Anne-Sophie, a visual artist and, as of more recently, an aspiring essayist who lives on the Lekwungen territories also known as Victoria, BC.

For me, writing is a means to think deeply about topics that I find important, meaningful, or just interesting. In this Substack, I share with you my humble meditations on the great mandala of Life.

In a nutshell, I am curious about how we make meaning of and represent reality through shared symbolic systems. I am interested in how great myths and ideologies drive the course of history onward. I am not a post-modernist, but I share with them the (morbid) fascination for deconstructing the relationship between power, knowledge, and discourse. Considering the compromised media landscape that we find ourselves in, one with unprecedented technologies of surveillance and control, questioning our beloved assumptions and resisting the tyranny of fear has never mattered more as we seek to collectively make sense of and take aligned actions on important issues.

I strive for an integral perspective and hold back from too definitive a conclusion. That’s because I deeply respect the vastness of the Great Mystery unfolding within and without. I try my best not to take myself too seriously, but too often succumb to cynicism and existentialist despair. Therefore, my essays are exercises in hope and optimism. They are written from the heart and as such, they are my offerings. As they say, “It is better to light a candle than to curse in the darkness”.

Aethereal Moods is the umbrella “brand” for my creative work. In a way, these essays complement my painting practice by contextualizing some of the themes and imagery I like to work with. You can find out more about my art on my website.

Why subscribe?

For now, you have access to my work with or without a subscription. However, I chose Substack because I’m a big believer in the crowd-funded model, especially to support independent journalists, artists, and creatives. If you find value in my essays, please consider chipping in. Thank you!

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What I like about Substack is that, by signing up with my email, I never miss content from people I like. Their work is delivered directly to my inbox instead of being lost in the sea of endless content that’s all competing for my attention. It gives me a strange sense of agency over the content I chose to consume instead of it being curated by algorithms! Join the newsletter revolution.

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Musings on the wild, untamed place inside where weird flowers bloom. Essays, artist updates & Studio Notes.


I’m Anne-Sophie, a visual artist and, as of more recently, an aspiring essayist who lives on the Lekwungen territories also known as Victoria, BC. In this Substack, I share with you my humble meditations on the great mandala of Life.